The Rings of Power and the Melian Dialogue

Loaded Dice
Oct 7, 2024


At one inconvenient moment, while trying to decipher yet another Amazon’s attempt to circumvent boundary conditions of Tolkien Estate’s intellectual property, I realized that the Melian Dialogue would, indeed, be quite useful for understanding paths of opponent’s thought during attempts of reconciliation between elves, dwarves, and orcs, and not only in the more recent history of Men.

Though, sure, Tolkien was too staunch a Royalist and Catholic thinker for something along the lines of The Peloponnesian War.

Herein, by the way, lies one of the rubs that ensure the constant failures of Ukrainian “decolonization” strategy, aimed at a dehumanizing interpretation of their Russian opponents as inhuman Orcs, spawned by the Mordorian-style evil.



Loaded Dice
Loaded Dice

Written by Loaded Dice

We begin with the bold premise that the goal of war is a victory over the enemy. Slavic Lives Matter

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