This name, however, was not in use by contemporaries; only in the latter half of the 19th century was it coined by Maksimovich. Interestingly enough, even Hrushevskyi preferred to abstain from strong connection between Rus and Kiev. In fact, the term Kyiv Rus, or, more correctly, Kievan Rus, gained a fixed foothold only after the WWII. I don't think it'd be sufficient to undermine Fedorov’s willfully ignorant post in your eyes, of course. Being a female, exempted from draft, you're quite free in crossing the Ukrainian borders, eh? So take a tour to Vladimir-on-Kliazma, if you dare, and visit temples and monasteries that predate modernized reconstructions of the Golden Gate, Desiatynna Church, or St. Michael Golden-Domed monastery by some eight centuries.
I’ll give one random comparison: