This is the uniparty system in action, when the lines of actual divergence could be discerned from traditional party borders. The third option will never get the chance of proving their claims without a great social upheaval rivaling the abolition of slavery and the Civil War, when the Whig Party collapsed, and Republicans emerged to occupy the vacant sector. Your last decade reminds me of three attempts of compromise with Southern states that had been reached and toppled over before the secession of the Confederation happened. Vote with ballots, not bullets.
Mind that Dems and Republicans gradually switched their electoral bases since the demise of the Confederation and the Reconstruction, and the similar process resulted in slow drift of neocon hawks from Republicans towards Dems.
Disclaimer incoming: I’m not an American citizen and as such ain’t eligible to vote, but otherwise I’d choose the third option (RFK Jr and Nicole Shanahan).