This is not a cortical thalamic pause

Loaded Dice
Apr 25, 2024

There was, and still is, a very popular joke from the last relatively prosperous years of the USSR. In English translation, it reads:

Brezhnev is reading a text of greeting message for participants of the 1980 Moscow Olympics: “O! O! O! O! O!”

His aide whispers from the side: “Leonid Ilyich, these are not an Os, these are Olympic rings…”

If Dem party neocon cabal succeeds in prolongation of Biden-branded farce, then it’s quite possible for American readers to observe such a joke in a localized remake gone awry, during the opening ceremony of the Games in Los Angeles!



Loaded Dice

We begin with the bold premise that the goal of war is a victory over the enemy. Slavic Lives Matter