There's hardly any need to stick "genocide" label on Ukrainian events. Btw, population of Ukrainian territories that were never occupied or annexed diminished by some 25M since 1991 independence referendum. Ukrainian authorities and their imbecility in all economical matters explain the gross part of that loss. Both Zelensky and Putin are dumbasses to use this sticker, and their servile administrators even more so. (For example, you might find interesting Liudmila Denisova’s case.)
Spare this word, genocide, for Tigray or Kiwu, or any of other conflicts raging on Earth and forgotten by West. In Ukraine we have pretty standard, so to speak, war atrocities, not aimed at extermination of some "favourite" strata or nation. Except Ukrainian and occupied Donbass males of conscript age, who are brutally dragged to war and often blatantly abducted using violence, physical or psychological, on both sides of the current frontline. Strong vibes of smart recruiting & HR techniques from the times of Frederick the Great or, more recently, Bashar Assad. However, Ukrainian authorities clearly prevail in that aspect.
The war between Russia and Ukraine is, essentially, civil war of the Soviet succession, much stirred up by foreign actors, mainly the EU and UK. One big Soviet-style army clashes with another, less numerous, but fundamental principles by which two armies are managed are the same. Deadlocked war could continue for many years (see Iran-Iraq case), albeit it will bring lose-lose outcome sooner or later. This war is the goal, because only as long as it rages both Putin and Zelensky could prolongue their dictatorships with relative comfort.