Russia after the February and October revolutions, and possibly even before, provides a unique example of "topsy-turvy empire", where periphery (regions where Eastern Slavic, Northern Caucasian and, in Soviet times, Central Asian ethnic groups dominate over Russian populace), as a rule, is fed resources of Russian European heartland and Siberia, not vice versa, as was typical for European empires during times of colonialism.
One random study (in Russian and English versions)
Instead of colonial exploiting Empire tends to subjugate peasants, workers, and technically skilled persons of its own titular folk, Russians, subsequently orienting them to military campaigns and resource extraction. In the Middle Ages Russia mainly exported furs, later switched to grain, today grain complements hydrocarbons, non-ferrous metals, platinum group metals etc. But, generally, level of resource processing remained low. With a possible exception of golden age of the USSR, Russia preferred to import technology in exchange of natural resources, but not from colonies they were being extracted.
Two rulers of Soviet Union in times of its post-WWII emergence as a new superpower were Ukrainians by ethnicity, and Ukraine was, under them, in the focus of reconstruction and development. For more than 300 years, supreme rulers of Russia in its various incarnations don’t hail from Moscow.
One of Putin’s favourite fillers is “многонациональный народ России” (multi-national people of Russia), he largely shuns Russian nationalism even in times of war with NATO in Ukraine, deliberately emphasizing the contribution of ethnic minorities, especially Chechens.
There weren’t any semblance of preferential systemic genocide towards ethnic groups other than Russians, even in times of famine and terror, which punctuated the Stalinist epoch. I wouldn’t recommend to seriously consider works of myth weavers like Snyder or Applebaum, they now are totally corrupted by cancel culture of Ukrainian propaganda (Holodomor death cult etc.); the latter could even be funny, if not for the fact of it being one of the main triggers of the current carnage and deadlocked war.