It simply means that his genome had been spliced with CRISPR, and, instead of anti-Semitism codons, Russophobiac gene was inserted. I think Zelensky never told truth to people of Eastern Ukraine, he always was just more or less conscientious comprador (tee-hee), albeit benefited from these thespian talents of his.
It's the same old song and dance for all authorities in the Ukraine after its secession from the Soviet Union. If they lost support of Nationalistic and Euroatlantist circles, they lost power; otoh, if they betrayed hopes vested in them by Russian-speaking sympathizers of Slavic conference of states, they lost only a minuscule amount of their vestigial dignity, if at all, because Russia proper couldn’t care less about Russian diaspora.
Also, Putinist Russia can't propose a vision of the future sufficient to overcome seething hatred that Nationalists across the Eastern Europe are trained to feel towards her. Soft power is the eternally sore and weak spot of Russian statesmen.
Only folks who understand historical dynamics in non-Manichaean terms and realize that Cold War II is no less damaging for humanity as a whole than the first edition had been, support immediate peace talks now. Among them me, for I despise Putin, Zelensky, Scholz, and Blinken or Nuland, equally.