Gas line leading to China already exists (marked bold navy blue on the map), it's called Сила Сибири (Power of Siberia). It transports gas from Eastern Siberia and Yakutia to China. Yet another pipeline, Сила Сибири-2 (aka Altai pipeline; marked bold red on the map), has been recently discussed; that would bring gas from Western Siberia to North-Western China via Mongolia. And, finally, existing infrastructure of gas transport to the Ukraine and the EU is marked bold azure below.
Besides that, Russia also sells liquified gas from Sakhalin Island to Japan and other countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Recently Japan has signed new deal with Russia about long-term deliveries of Sakhalin gas; try to comprehend why they did so.
In that same manner, LNG could be shipped to India from Yamal and Sakhalin.