Every time I hear Jürgen Klopp preaching before the choir about mass vaccination and urging to ignore people outside of the medical field who are sincerely pissed off by covidiotic lockdown measures, I wonder why neither doctors nor medical experts, “people who are smarter than [he] ever could be,” are ever allowed to choose tactics for the next EPL/UEFA CL soccer match.
It’s really a shame that EPL has no fixtures planned on tour somewhere in Australia or New Zealand, so that Jürgen could relax and enjoy quarantine detention camp.
It’s equally a shame that Jürgen is a contract manager, not a worker from one of the more pandemics-damaged fields, and even if his contract would be terminated he’ll still receive gross sum as golden parachute. So his work and life are absolutely quarantine-proof moneywise. The same cannot be said about brave Hayley Hodgson or any of the folks whose cases didn’t get viral.