Every societal tendency, when pushed to the limit, meets an opposition, and DEI, affirmative action, etc. are no different. Don't understand why are you so surprised. Robin DiAngelo has had her part des anges, time to move on. Reverse racism and all such fuzz are no better than “ordinary, well-established” racism and xenophobia.
Sowell noted that preferential treatment makes equal meritocratic treatment look like discrimination. Such is precisely the fate that befell wokeism. The pendulum of neoliberal progressivism, amusingly betrothed with rabid neoconservatism in foreign policy (cursed be fanatics like Nuland or Blinken), has swung so far Left that the backreaction will be sharp and sprawling wide. In this round, you Left seem destined for a palpable defeat.
Compare with a sad demise of Wang Mang, Chinese Xin dynasty “socialist-Emperor”.