Air and comical forces
There is a long-famous quote about Russian governmental initiatives, very apt in this area of partial military draft, that Putin had haphazardly announced the day before. It is usually attributed to Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin. In Russian, it reads as follows: Строгость российских законов всегда компенсируется их систематическим невыполнением (The severity of Russian laws is mitigated by the fact that disobeying them is widespread).
To give you just one example: this March assessment aged extremely badly, however florid Russian bureaucratic reports about fire suppression could have been. Just look at systemic shellings of the territory of Russia proper in Belgorod or Kursk regions. One could soon expect attacks on Rostov or Krasnodar regions.
Note how this source, in a ludicrously prophetic manner, calls Russian air forces Воздушно-комические силы (Air and Comical forces) instead of Воздушно-космические силы (Air and Space forces).
O Starship Trooper, when in fear or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.