1984 is an apt year to mention there, but not for the reason you provide. That reason, as well as uncountable appeals to Godwin's law concerning Trump and Musk, has definitely stuck in the tooth. Moreover, Orwell wrote 1984 as an allegory of the wartime Britain first, and not only of the USSR.
1984 was the year when a few seminal cyberpunk novels appeared, and Neuromancer by William Gibson broke the dam for this genre, poignantly relevant since.
In our modern case of the US after the onset of Quarantine Pandemics, I’d speak about transition to, ahem, moderately mature cyberpunk society, sprinkled with darker glitter of obligatory dystopia. After all, cyberpunk works without dystopian elements are few and far between.
Well, those who were ignorant about cyberpunk classics are destined to reinvent it, but in a more glitchy manner. That said, I’m definitely not supporting what is now, for legacy reasons, still called the Dem Party. On the contrary, I despise them deeply because of their total inability to steer the ship in times of the proxy world war they themselves partially instigated. So an adjournment after the heinous Biden-Blinken-Nuland’s neocons-inspired messianism is welcome.